Let us turn abject poverty into Sustainable Productivity

Help us Re-Engineer Lives, Families and Communities for the better…. including your own.

From vulnerable to productive citizens. From Problems into Solutions. From Challenges to Greatness.

For more than 53 years, the SALESIANS OF DON BOSCO (present in 134 countries) and their Mission Partners have championed the socio-economic integration and participation of the marginalized sectors of Society. In their projects the poor are not seen as problems to be solved but as solutions to tap into. They established the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Center of Don Bosco Youth Center Tondo, a non-stock, non-profit institution, where the at risk out-of-school youths can acquire the necessary competencies that enable them to access better opportunities in the labor market.. Today stories abound about how individual and community life has gone from bad to blessed because of the ‘Magic & Miracle’ that is Don Bosco Youth Center, Tondo.

Tech-Voc Career Paths

It is a 21st Century strategic option to empower people with smart Technical Aptitudes and Skills that allow community building and participation. Technology with a sublime purpose. Technology with a soul.

Education happens within the context of a larger community. Our approach extends beyond the school to help ensure students have the necessary support to do their best learning

Projects and Advocacies

The Magic of Collaboration

Individuals and Companies who worked with us have themselves been enriched by the experience of making “Transformative Magic’ happen. Far from just fulfilling Corporate Responsibility they have lived through the core of Humanity at its finest moments.

“The lives of Communities around the once notorious port area in Tondo Manila is continuing to change for the better thanks, in no small part, to Don Bosco Youth Center. But we should not be complacent because new socio-economic challenges threaten to reverse our victories.”

— Luis Iriarte, SDB., One of the Missionaries who worked in Don Bosco Youth Center Tondo

“We ask you to give them the chance and they will perform beyond your expectations”

“Give them the opportunity and they will make you proud”

“Per Angusta Ad Augusta”

From Challenges to Greatness

  • St. John Bosco our Founder was a man who made his own the Dreams and Aspirations of the Young and their Families. Today we continue to live their dreams.

  • We work with Men and Women of goodwill to realize peoples dreams. We plan, strategize and network for their development and productive participation in socio-economic life.

  • We advocate for everything that supports positive participation in society and all that uplifts the soul of Humanity.

Contact us

Don Bosco Youth Center Tondo - TVET

Don Bosco Comp. C. P. Garcia, Brgy. 116 Magsaysay, Tondo, Manila 1012, National Capital Region, PHILIPPINES

Feel free to contact us with any questions.


0949 103 8045 / 8251-5262 / 8254-5659